Are Tarot Cards Evil?

Are Tarot Cards Evil?

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Are Tarot Cards Bad? Let's talk about it.

Tarot has gotten a bad name, and as a professional tarot reader, I wanted to understand why people perceive It as bad, evil, or demonic.

When I was researching why people believe that Tarot is evil, almost every page that explained why they believe Tarot is bad was based off of religious beliefs; however, I know that everyone's reasons are not because of religion; some people may have seen negative connections with Tarot from movies or TV shows, others perhaps a personal experience where they connected the Tarot with a negative outcomes.

I will be one of many to let you know there are many scammers out there claiming to be psychics, mediums, and tarot readers (or impersonating a legitimate spiritual worker) who pray off of an individual's vulnerability just for the money.

 Rest assured, that isn't ALL spiritual healers.

One thing is certain: Whether you see the Tarot as good or evil is a matter of perception. It will always depend on an individual's personal beliefs and opinions. I am not here to convince anyone, but we will start with the fact that there are many misconceptions when discussing the Tarot.

 A brief history Tarot originated in the 1430s—1440s in Italy, and It wasn't used for divination at this point in time. First, it was a card game and, later, a tool for reflection and personal development before evolving into using It for spiritual exploration and divination.

A Common Misconception Many people think that the Tarot is for predicting the future and that what the cards say must be 'true,' but that is not true at all.

 I am not saying that using Tarot to predict futures is wrong; however, it's essential to know the cards that come out are not set in stone; we aren't giving the cards our power to think this is certain of how situations will play out.

 When you set the intention to ask about the future, the cards you pull are based on the energy PRESENTLY to SUGGEST POTENTIAL outcomes; it is not set in stone. Using Tarot to predict the future isn't the best practice for Tarot.

 Let's move away from the mystical side and discuss how the Tarot isn't evil and can ultimately help you. 


Are Tarot Cards Bad Blog Post Picture of Tarot Cards
(Tarot cards in the picture are the Holographic Tarot Deck)
    1. Diversity of Users and Positive Intentions
      • Tarot cards are not associated with any particular religion or belief system. Many people of different cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds use tarot cards to gain self-awareness and guidance.
      • Many Tarot readers focus on the positive power of the cards, offering guidance and insight in a positive and affirming way. They often emphasize the importance of personal growth, empowerment, and self-discovery.
    2. Empowering Purposes
      • Tarot cards can be used for positive and empowering purposes. They can help individuals gain insight into their own lives, better understand themselves, and make better choices. By providing a different perspective on situations, tarot cards can stimulate self-reflection and encourage individuals to consider new possibilities.
      • The interpretation of the cards is entirely up to the individual who reads them, allowing for personalized insight and guidance. Tarot readings are subjective experiences that vary depending on the reader's intuition, knowledge, and the context of the reading.
    3. Historical and Modern Usage
      • Throughout history, tarot cards have been used by respected leaders, thinkers, and healers as a tool for personal and spiritual growth. In the 18th century, tarot cards gained popularity among occultists who believed in their mystical symbolism and connection to spiritual energies.
      • Today, many people approach tarot cards skeptically, viewing them as a psychological tool for reflection and introspection rather than a mystical way of predicting the future. They may use tarot readings as therapy or self-care, seeking guidance and clarity on various aspects of their lives.
    4. Debunking Misconceptions
      • Despite their positive intentions, tarot cards have often been misunderstood and misrepresented in popular culture. Movies, books, and media portrayals have perpetuated the myth that tarot cards are associated with evil or dark forces, leading to misconceptions and fear.
      • It's important to recognize that tarot cards are not inherently good or evil; how they are used and interpreted determines their impact. Like any tool, tarot cards can be used for both positive and negative purposes, depending on the individual's intentions. 

    Evidence and Data: While there may not be empirical evidence addressing whether tarot cards are evil, studies suggest that tarot cards can be used for personal development and self-exploration. For instance, research by the University of Plymouth and the University of California indicates that tarot cards can help individuals gain insight into their lives, improve self-awareness, and enhance creativity. These findings support the idea that tarot cards are tools for introspection and self-discovery.

     In summary, tarot cards are not evil or associated with dark forces. They are simply a tool for personal growth, self-understanding, and spiritual exploration. 






    What Does A Tarot Card Reader Do? A Complete Guide | Tarot Happy.


    Tarot Guide - History, Meanings and More |


    Therapy Worksheets to Streamline Your Practice - TherapyByPro.


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